
The rulebook in its entirety can be downloaded as a pdf here.

The rulebook includes scorecards, detailed floor plans and movement standards with pictures.

NOTE! If you choose not to record your workouts with an app that has a timestamp (such as WodProof), you must click on the button below and include the official Lowlands Clock in your video.

Workout videos

All movement standards of this event adhere to the Movement standards of the International Functional Fitness Federation that can be found here. If wordings or descriptions differ between this document and the official iF3 document, the iF3 Movement Standards has precedence unless specifically stated otherwise.

Table of Contents


Before starting with the workout, we ask you to read through everything from this point on so that you are well-prepared.

Although we would love to take your word and not have an online video qualifier process, that’s not how this works. In addition to the scorecard, you, the athlete, will have to upload a video (link) of the prescribed test as visual proof. The main objective is to verify that you have performed the test, that the number of repetitions and times specified are correct, and that you meet the movement standards.

Let us help you by setting up these practical tips and rules to ensure video submission success.

Remember: All three qualifier workouts have to be performed on the same day and in the correct order (LLTD Q24.1 -> LLTD Q24.2 -> LLTD Q24.3)

Before the test

Make sure that you go over all workouts, flow, special regulations and standards by:

  1. READING them first;
  2. Asking questions later if something is unclear to you.

We always recommend the use of a judge, even if it is not mandatory. If you do, make sure that your judge does the same steps as mentioned above.

During the test

Make it clear to your judge that officiating is not just counting reps. Your judge must also be aware that you, as an athlete, have to meet all the required rules and standards.

It’s your judge’s responsibility to inform you if you don’t meet the rules and standards = NO-REP.

Your judge can give you verbal instructions (squat deeper, extend those hips/arms, etc…) but a no-rep is a no-rep and should be given at ALL times during this process!

After the test

We recommend that you check your videos yourself before submitting them to the competition platform. Make a comparison with the scorecard and check the following (if applicable):

  • Are the totals correct?
  • Are the times correct?
  • Are the weights correct?
  • Are the distances correct?
  • Are the heights correct?

It’s NOT up to our review team to determine all of the above. You are responsible for this! If everything is correct and only then, should you upload your video (link) for review without the risk of getting penalties or invalidation of it.

Video format

YOUTUBE, VIMEO, GOOGLE, etc… whichever works best for you is allowed.

Remember to set your video to PUBLIC mode (YOUTUBE) and without a password login (GOOGLE). Also be aware of COPYRIGHTS on music in the background as these get your video taken down.

ALL videos must be uncut/unedited to allow an accurate display of the test performance. The use of fisheye or similar lens is NOT ALLOWED and will be invalidated by our review team due to the visual distortion these lenses cause.

Time and date

Each video must show a time and date stamp. Your best option to make sure this is 100% guaranteed is to download an App such as WODproof so you can scratch any worries about hogging the box WOD clock.

You should also use the WODproof / Concept2 Bluetooth connection.

If you don’t have this, or don’t want to use it, any form of ascending visible clock is allowed within the video frame.

Remember your basics

The first thing we want to see when the video starts is you:

  • Telling us your name;
  • Stating which event, division and workout you are doing;
  • Zooming in/focusing on the weights (barbell, dumbbell, kettlebell, etc…), distance (shuttle run, handstand walk, etc…) and time/distance/calories on those screens so we can give you full credit.

If required, don’t forget to reset the screens of the machines before starting another round.

Angle and frame

Record the video so that all exercises can be clearly seen, meeting the movement standards. As for framing, make sure your ENTIRE body stays in the frame at ALL times. If we can not see you, we can not assess the video!


  • do not place your recording device on the ground with an upward angle;
  • do not place your recording device right in front of you (The anterior 45° angle position is the most ideal place);
  • do not place your recording device far away from you
  • watch out for gym related obstacles


The scorecards are a tool that allows you to record all correctly performed reps in order to upload the final score on the online platform. We strongly recommend that you review this scorecard before performing the workout.

Video review

When submitted, your score and video will be under review. Our review team will watch the videos randomly to make sure to give or subtract full credit of your hard work.

Please try to be patient – with technology and us.

If you have questions about your video or score, please try to hold off until we have had a chance to review your submission and log it for you on the leaderboard.

If we contact you about submission problems, you will have 24-hours to reply and comply.


Appeals, scoring discrepancies or questions about the review of online videos will be handled by our head judge. Athletes will receive an email if the score posted is modified due to a penalty. The message will give a brief description explaining the reason for the change in the score. After this notification, athletes will have 24-hour time to appeal. All appeals received after this 24-hour deadline will not be processed!

Only the affected athlete may appeal a result. Coaches or unrelated parties may not appeal on behalf of the athlete. Athletes may not appeal their own performance outcome based on the review, scoring or performance of another athlete.

The workouts

LLTD Q24.1

AMRAP 14 min

  • 3 wall walks
  • 9 box jump-overs
  • 12 toes-to-bar

At the start signal, the athlete moves from the starting position to the wall, where they perform 3 wall walks. Remember to finish the last rep in the prone position with hands on the line before standing up. Then the athlete moves to the box for 9 box jump overs and finally to the rig for 12 toes-to-bar. The athlete then repeats this pattern to accumulate as many repetitions as possible in 14 minutes.

Special regulations
  • For wall walks, the line for start/end for hands must be 160 cm (men) / 140 cm /women) from the wall, measured from wall to inside edge of tape mark.
  • For wall walks, the wall line must be 25 cm from the wall for everybody, measured from wall to far side of the tape mark.
Movement standards

For complete movement standards please see the entries titled

  • Wall walk (ID 12.06)
  • Box Jump Over (ID 10.05), and
  • Toes-to-bar (ID 7.01)

in the International Functional Fitness Federation’s Movement Standards Document.

LLTD Q24.2

  • The clock must be running for this entire workout from 00:00 to 15:00.

The workout is divided into two parts: A and B.

From 00:00 – 03:00 (Part A, section 1)

  • 1 RM snatch

From 03:00 – 11:00 (Part B)

AMRAP 3-6-9-12-18-etc reps of

  • Cal row
  • Burpees over row-erg
From 11:00 – 12:00
  • Rest

From 12:00 – 15:00 (Part A, section 2)

  • 1 RM snatch

This workout starts with the athlete standing by their barbell. The barbell can be preloaded with the desired weight before the time begins. At the starting signal, the athlete has 3 minutes to complete their heaviest 1 rep snatch anyhow. The athlete may make as many attempts as they wish within these 3 minutes, and they can change weights up or down as they wish.

When the clock hits 3:00, part B of the workout begins. Athlete must now move to the row-erg and collect 3 calories. Then they step off the rower and do 3 burpees over the row-erg. The athlete then repeats this pattern, adding 3 cals/reps to each movement for each round.

When time reaches 11:00, part B is over and the athlete now has a 1-minute rest.

At 12:00 the athlete now has 3 minutes for another attempt to their heaviest 1-rep snatch anyhow. Same rules apply to this section as for the first section (0-3 min).

Special regulations
  • The barbell may be preloaded before workout begins.
  • Athlete may receive assistance from someone else to change weights at any time.
  • Athlete may make as many attempts on the 1-rep snatch as they wish, and they can change weights up and down as they wish.
  • The row-erg monitor must be reset between each round.
  • Judge is allowed to reset the monitor.
  • It is recommended to connect the row-erg monitor to the app recording the video.
  • If this connection is not done, athlete must make sure the monitor is visible during the entire part B of the workout.
  • Athlete must clearly state the initial load on the barbell for both lifting segments.
  • Score for part A is the heaviest lift of the first 3-minute section plus the heaviest lift for last 3-minute section.
  • Score for part B is the total number of calories + reps for the 8-minute middle section.
Movement standards

For complete movement standards please see the entries titled

  • Snatch anyhow (ID 4.01),
  • Rowing (ID 9.03), and
  • Burpee over object (ID 10.01)

in the International Functional Fitness Federation’s Movement Standards Document.

LLTD Q24.3

FOR TIME (TC 15 min)

With 30/40 kg barbell:

  • 10 front squats
  • 10 pull-ups
  • 10 shoulder to overhead
  • 10 pull-ups
  • 10 thrusters
  • 10 pull-ups
  • 75 double-unders

Then, with 40/60 kg barbell:

  • 9 front squats
  • 9 chest-to-bar pull-ups
  • 9 shoulder to overhead
  • 9 chest-to-bar pull-ups
  • 9 thrusters
  • 9 chest-to-bar pull-ups
  • 75 double-unders

Then, with 50/80 kg barbell:

  • 8 front squats
  • 8 bar muscle-ups
  • 8 shoulder to overhead
  • 8 bar muscle-ups
  • 8 thrusters
  • 8 bar muscle-ups
  • 75 double-unders

Performed as prescribed by elite, masters 35+, masters 40+ and intermediate:

Masters 45+, 50+ and  teens:

  • first part: 20/30 kg
  • second part: 30/45 kg
  • third part: 40/60 kg

The athlete will start this workout standing in front of the barbell and at the beep they will pick up the barbell and perform 10 front squats. After front squats, they will go to the pull-up bar and do 10 pull-ups. They will then return to the barbell to do 10 shoulder to overhead, and then move back to the pull-up-bar for another 10 pull-ups. They will then do 10 thrusters with the barbell and then another 10 pull-ups. They will then end this section with 75 double-unders.

Next, the athlete will add weights to their barbell and perform the section containing 9 reps of front squats, chest-to-bar pull-ups, shoulders to overhead and thrusters before ending the section with 75 double-unders.

Next, the athlete will add more weights and perform the section containing 8 reps of front squats, bar muscle-ups, shoulder to overhead and thrusters. Lastly, they will do 75 double-unders to end the section and the workout.

Special Regulations
  • The athlete may receive help from someone else to reload the bar (not the judge). This reloading is allowed while the athlete does their double unders.
  • The athlete must face the camera when doing pull-ups.
Movement standards

For complete movement standards please see the entries titled

  • Front squat (ID 1.03)
  • Shoulder to overhead (ID 5.05), 
  • Thruster (ID 5.06),
  • Pull-up (ID 7.04),
  • Chest-to-bar Pull-up (ID 7.05), 
  • Bar Muscle-up (ID 7.07), and
  • Double under (ID 10.07)

in the International Functional Fitness Federation’s Movement Standards Document.

Official Lowlands Clock

September 8, 2024